CFT is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity.

CFT’s stated charitable purpose is as follows:

“The objects of the Charity are to promote for the benefit of the public generally any charitable purpose within the NW of England and beyond connected with the enhancement and improvement, maintenance and protection of the environment and landscape and in particular to:

  • Promote, provide and enhance woodland for the benefit of the public;

  • Promote the general improvement of agriculture and of industry and commerce, particularly in relation to woodland or forestry products;

  • Promote and provide for the improvement of derelict land or harmful sites;

  • Provide or help to provide for the general public facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation particularly involving the enjoyment of land and woodland as a public amenity (and in furtherance to help provide safe and convenient routes and modes of transport for the public, for safe cycling, and for the development of facilities including nature trails, reserves and sanctuaries, horse and cycle footways, parkland and visitor facilities and car parks);

  • Promote community participation in healthy recreation by providing facilities for playing particular sports;

  • Educate the public in environmental matters, in ecology and provide better appreciation of the environments and ways of better serving, protecting and improving the same and education and training in all matters relating to the environment and its interaction with the social and economic wellbeing of the community;

  • Promote the arts within the woodland and natural environments;

  • Promote for the benefit of the public the ecology and use of the natural environment and all species living in it;

  • Promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, enhancement, and improvement of the environment and to educate the public in the importance of sustainable development in relation to all the activities of the Charity. For the purpose of this clause the phrase ‘sustainable development’ shall mean development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and in applying this definition regard shall be had to the following factors, to social progress, which recognises the needs of everyone; effective protection of the environment; prudent use of natural resources and maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment; and

  • In pursuit of its objects the Charity shall endeavour to engage the participation of all sectors of the community in its activities.”

It is based in Salford and has approximately 15 members of staff, four of whom work in the core and the balance of whom work across five of the Community Forests.

CFT is the parent company of two active subsidiary organisations, the Mersey Forest Foundation and the Community Forest Land Trust. The former is used to manage woodland creation schemes and funding streams within the Mersey Forest and the latter is used as a vehicle to acquire and hold land.